1. Always be the initiator and concluder of the GD then being a participant.
2. But if you are participant always try to be the most vianl/key participant.
3. put points firmly and always try to get others support too.
4. if you find that the discussion os going off-track then never
loose an opportunity to bring it back to stream this is the best point
to score max.
5. try to keep latest information on the topic.
6. be very polite , people may try to provoke you to to get more
points but try to keep cool.
7. most important don't wait for your turn to speak when discussion is
on. interrupt politely if you want to put forward your points.
8. last but not the least keep atab on the time given for discussion.
score points by wrapping up the discussion if you feel that the
discussion is heating but the time is going to be over.
9. during conclusion, do end with the conclusion note. that shows your
leadership quality.
Best scoring points are:
1. Initiation of discussion,
2. Always keeping/trying tokeep discussion on track
3. conclusion on time
4. your capability to keep your cool and listen as well as putting your points.
GD basically means searching your team player, leadership,
communication capability.
1.Is Indian cricket team consistent?
2. Is IT necessary in rural areas?
3. Should Saurav Ganguly be Indian Captain?
4. Advantages and disadvantages of Outsourcing;
5. Are the Cricket matches between India and Pakistan passionate?
Does the world need army?
Are there stars in the sky?
Capital punishment should be avoided .
Is India really shining ?
1.Paper consist of 45 questions (multiple choice) to be
done in 30 mins
there were two sections
1.technical qs -20
2.apptitude qs –25
Question :
What is the function of the modulus operator in most languages ?
Answer : a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10, base
8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than
executing the code
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Question : class professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher, public researcher {};
Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class
"myprofessor" were created ,how many instances of professor will it
Answer :
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
Since it is a virtual class So the object will contain only one
instance of class Professor. So answer is (b)
Question : Modern RDBMS perform the following function except ___________.
Answer :
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a
column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the first level
Question : Which is not the characteristic of a view ?
Answer :
a) Consumes Disk space for data
b) Multiple tables
c) Multiple rows
d) Updateable
*Though it is the right answer but the view definition does take up
space in the disk .THough for few views it is less but for hundreds of
stored views it does consume space
Question : RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and
one or more _____________
Answer :
a)Table, SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type, user
c) Column, rows
d) User, tables
Question : What relationship is resolved by an "intersecting" or
"associative" entity ?
Answer :
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One
Question : Make a copy of file "upper" in the directory two levels up .
Answer :
a)jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above
Question : Which of the following best explains life cycle of Defect ?
Answer :
a)Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Closed ->
Defect Rechecked
b) Defect Found -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Reported -> Defect
Rechecked -> Defect Closed
c) Defect Debugged -> Defect Found -> Defect Closed -> Defect Reported
-> Defect Rechecked
d) Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect
Rechecked -> Defect Closed
Question : Which group does Winrunner, Load Runner, SQA Suite fall under ?
Answer :
b) Automated Test Tools
c) Operating Systems
d) Rapid Application Development Tool
Question :
i = 0;
j = 0;
In the (generic) code segment above what will be the value of the
variable i at completion ?
Answer :
b) 1
c) 3
d) 9
Question : Which of the following statements is true when a derivation
inherits both a virtual and non-virtual instance of a base class ?
Answer :
a)Each derived class object has base objects only from the non virtual instance
b) Each base class object has derived objects only from the
non-virtual instance
c) Each derived class object has base objects only from the virtual instance
d) Each derived class object has a base object from the virtual
instance and a base object from non-virtual instance.
Question : class Word
Word(const char*, int = 0);
Referring to the sample code above what is the minimum number of
arguments required to call the constructor ?
Answer :
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Answer : a) using namespace std::iostream
b) using namespace std;
c) using namespace iostream ;
d) using iostream; Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Question : Which one of the following statements allocates enough
space to hold an array of 10 integers that are initialized to 0 ?
Answer :
a)int *ptr = (int *) calloc(10,sizeof(int));
b) int *ptr = (int *) alloc( 10*sizeof(int));
c) int *ptr = (int *) malloc( 10*sizeof(int));
d) int *ptr = (int *)calloc(10*sizeof(int));
*a is the correct ans Calloc allocates space and initialized them to 0
Question : What function will read a specified number of elements from a file ?
Answer :
b) readfile()
c) fileread()
d) gets()
Question : What is the largest value an integer can hold in a Standard
C compiler ?
Answer :
b) 65536
c) 2147483647
Question: Largest integer can be written from 8 bits is
a. 256
b. 255
c. 8
d. 10
Question : With every use of memory allocation function should be used
to release allocated memory which is no longer needed ?
Answer :
b) dealloc()
c) release()
d) free()
Question :
int a=1;
int ab=4;
int main(){
int b=3,a=2;
What will be the output? Answer :-
[According to compiler it varies]
Question : kernel executes the first process when system starts
Answer : ans :- init();
How many address lines needed to pass 1MB of data
Answer : ans :-20
Question : process id of kernel
Answer :
(b) 0
(c) 2
(d) none
Question :
Which one of the following represents a correct and safe declaration of NULL ?
Answer :
a) typedef((void *)0) NULL;
b) typedef NULL(char *)0;
c) #define NULL((void *)0)
d) #define NULL((char*)0)
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
********************Aptitude section***********************
Directions:Each question or set of questions is based on a preceding
passage or set of conditions.Choose the best answer for each question
.It may be helpful in some instances to sketch a simple diagram
Questions 1-6:
In an International organization of nine nations (O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W)
provide staff for the three technical agencies designated B,C and
D.Each nation provides one technician who must work in only one of the
agencies .
Agency D may not have a member from U,V or W
Agency C may not have a member from R,S or T
Agency B may not have a member from O,P or Q
Agency D may have no members
Agency B must have exactly one or more member than Agency C
1.If U and O are only members of agency C,how many of the nine
technician members must work in Agency D ?
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 E) 7
2. In Agency D,the greatest number from the nine nations who can serve
together is :
A) 9 B) 8 C) 7 D) 6 E) 5
3. Which nations provide staff for Agency B if W is the only one of
the nine providing a member for Agency C?
A) R&V B) S&T C) S&U D) T&V E) U&V
4. If none of the nine nations are represented in Agency D ,which
nation must be represented in Agency B?
A) O B) P C) R D) U E) V
5. If Agency C has members from only U,V, and Q ,the members of Agency
D could be :
A) O&P B) O&R C) P&S D) P&T E) Q&S
6. Agency D could be made up from which of the following nations
A) P&U B) Q&T C) P,Q and R D) R,S and T E) O,Q,T and W
Questions 7-9
A tire maker codes tires with four symbols using numbers 1 through 4
and the letters A through D.Each code has two numbers and two letters
.The two numbers must be next to each other and the two letters must
be next to each other .The two letters must be different .The numbers
on the right must be more then one on the left .
7. If the fourth symbol is 3 ,what could be the third symbol be ?
A) A B) B C) C D) 1 E) 4
8. If the letter A occurs ,what must be also true ?
A) B also occurs B) C also occurs C) D also occurs D) A occurs once E)
A occurs twice
9. If 2 is the first symbol,which of the following could not be in one
of the other three positions
A) 1 B) 3 C) 4 D) C E) D
Questions 10-14
Ms.Jones has invited three couples to have dinner with her and her
husband .She has three seats on either side of the table and one at
each end .The four women are Gloria,Heidi,Isabela and Jasmine and the
four gentlemen are Rembrandt,Scott,Tom and Upton.Ms Jones has some
particular restrictions on the seating arrangements .
The persons at the head and foot of the table must differ in sex.
On either side of the table ,persons of the same sex may not be next
to each other
Tom and Isabela may not be on either side
Upton may not be seated on the same side as Jasmine
10. If Isabela is in the middle seat and Upton is at the head ,which
of the following must be true ?
A)Jasmine is at the foot
B)Rembrandt is at the foot
C)Gloria is on the same side as Isabela
D)Scott is seated on the side opposite Isabela
E)Tom is seated on the side opposite Isabela
11. Which of the following could not be at the foot if Jasmine is at the head ?
A) Heidi B) Rembrandt C) Scott D) Tom E) Upton
12. Where must Tom sit if Scott is at the foot ,Upton is at an end on
one side and Isabela is at an end on the other side ?
A) At the end B) Middle seat on Upton�s side C) End seat on Upton�s side
D) Middle seat on Isabela�s side E) End seat on Isabela�s side
13. If Tom is at the head ,Rembrandt in middle seat and Isabela in the
othe middle seat what else may be true ?
A) Gloria is at the foot B) Heidi is on Isabela�s side C) Jasmine is
on Isabela�s side
D) Scott is on Rembrandt�s side E) Upton is on Rembrandt�s side
14. If Tom is at the foot ,Upton is in the middle seat ,who must be
seated at the head ?
A) Gloria B) Heidi C) Jasmine D) Rembrandt E) Scott
Questions 15-19
A landscape contractor is planting a row of seven kinds of trees .One
tree has not arrived yet .We will label the trees A through F and
number the evenly spaced holes 1 through 7 ,from left to right.The
landscape architect has specified the following :
The distance from A to B must be same as that from C to D
Trees E and F must be in adjacent holes
The empty hole must not be the extreme right one
15. Which of the following placements conforms to the rules ?
A)B,empty ,A,E,F,D,C
B)B,C,empty, D,A,F,E
16. If F is the second hole ,what else must be true ?
A) A is in 3 B) B is in 4 C) Cis in 5 D) Dis in 7 E) E is in 1
17. If A is in 1 and C is in 3,which hole is empty ?
A) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 E) 7
18. If A is in 3 and Bis in 4 what could be true ?
A) C is in 6 B) C is in 5 C) D is in 6 D) F is in 1 E) 6 is empty
19. Which of the following could be an empty hole ?
A) 7 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 6
Questions 20-24:
The following data is about people killed in accidents in India over a
period of 10 years .Study the data carefully and answer the following
Year Total People killed No. of people killed in coal mines
1986 1230 415
1987 1150 395
1988 1300 406
1989 946 324
1990 1040 256
1991 1250 115
1992 1154 108
1993 948 121
1994 1278 285
1995 846 89
20. Which year showed the highest % increase in the number of people
killed in Coal mines over the preceding year ?
A) 1989 B) 1993 C) 1994 D) 1991 E) 1986
21. In which year were minimum number of people killed in industrial
accidents other then those killed in Coal Mines
A) 1993 B) 1992 C) 1989 D) None of these E) 1995
22. The difference between % of the number of people killed in Coal
Mines to the total number of people killed in 1992 and 1993 is
A) 17.2 % B) 13.2% C) 6.31 % D) 3.5 % E) 8.21%
23.If the total number accidents in 1996 is 1472 and decrease in % of
coal accidents from 1995-96is 20% the number of Coal accidents in 1996
A) 155 B) 124 C) 71.2 D) None of these E) 96
24. 35% of the people killed in industrial accidents during 1988 were
insured by LIC and LIC paid Rs10920.0000 towards insurance .What was
the amount paid to each person ?
A) 24000 B) 77000 C) 46000 D) 22000 E ) 35000
25. If August 15,1947 was a Friday,then what day was August 15 1987 ?
26. If May 6,1969 was a Tuesday,the next time May 6 was a Tuesday was
in the year 19_ _ ?
27. At 1.05 what is the angle formed by the minute hour hand ?
28.If the minute hand passes the hour hand once every 65 minutes then
what can be said of the accuracy of the clock.Is it fast ,slow or on
time ?
29. Two clocks chime together on the hour .One gains 5 minutes while
the other loses 5 minutes every hour .After how many hours will they
chime together again ?
30. A watch which loses 6 min every half an hour is set to the correct
time at 12 noon .What is the actual time when the time indicated by
watch is 8 pm ?
Question from 31-35 were based on predicting the next pattern from a
given set of figures ���
1. A Question like A is engg. B is doctor C is artist
etc then few condition related to them
you have give answer to 4 or 5 qs on these conditions.
2. Same as above with different data and conditions.
I suggest you must go for these questions coz in 3 or
4 mins you can answer 7 or 8 qs
3. About 4 to 5 questions on arranging 4 sentences to
form a paragraph.
4. 3 qs on finding error in English sentences (two or
three sentences given any one is incorrect which is
underlined) you have to choose correct sentence from 4
5. If father is three times as old as son. 5 years ago
he was 4 times age of his son what is son age.
6. Same as above but now daughter and mother joined in
and age in question is that of daughter.
7.a figure is given find no of triangles in this
8. Same as above but figure is different and find no
of squares and triangles.
9. Sum of a series of n numbers is n+8. Find second
(or second last) no.
Compulsory to clear both sections.
Cut off is about 15 qs in each section.{May be}
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